‘A Complaint Free World’: Moving From A Culture Of Complaint To Creative Solutions

Last week I wrote about my visa problems and how I found myself having to live in a different country than my husband and daughter. When we identify as the victim of a situation we tend to operate out of a culture of complaint. We know that while nature is conservative when there is stability, creativity arises when there is a challenge.

Taking nature as our inspiration my husband and I have seized upon this challenge and are focusing on creative solutions. This week in order to illustrate how we can implement the creative solutions approach, I am talking about Will Bowen’s book, ‘A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted’.


Training our minds to become more aware of what comes out of our mouth helps us create happier lives.

Why and How To Go Complaint Free

Why and How To Go Complaint Free

Einstein claimed trying to solve problems with the same kind of thinking that brought it about is futile. Complaining arises in response to a challenge.  It is how we become stuck in the same thinking and reinforce an identity of a victim.

James Allen in As a Man Thinketh says: ‘You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.’

Success studies reveal that successful people’s achievement is not in spite of the challenges but because of them. These people have the ability to see the blessings in their challenges.

Will Bowen, a minister decided to challenge himself and his congregation to go 21 consecutive days without complaining, criticizing or gossiping. Here are the rules of the challenge:
• Wearing a purple bracelet on either wrist to remind the commitment.
• When you catch yourself complaining, gossiping, or criticizing, move the bracelet to the other wrist. Each time restart 21 days period.
• If you hear someone else who is wearing a purple bracelet complain, you can point out their need to switch the bracelet to the other arm; but if you’re going to do this, you must move your bracelet first! Because you’re complaining about their complaining.
• Decide to persevere because our habits are so ingrained that it takes in average 4 to 8 months to reach 21 consecutive days.
This challenge grew into a mission to create A Complaint Free World and his book inspired millions of people to train their minds to become more aware of what comes out of their mouth and helped them to create happier lives.

Inspiring By Example

The so called reality of our life is perceived as virtual or as real as we are able to surrender our egos to the more universal nature of being. One of the most powerful means of overcoming the complaining habit is taking responsibility for what we create, even if it seems we did not create the situation personally. Outer challenges of our lives may be an indication of the need for the inner conflict between our sense of conditioned personal identity and the universal experience of being.

The world needs demonstration more than it needs instruction. Stephen and I decided to use this opportunity to demonstrate how we will work through our inner conflicts that might have contributed to our current reality.

The creative solutions present themselves when we calmly sit with what happens. The emotional neutrality that comes from acceptance opens up the link to what needs to happen for the benefit of all. That is how a challenge turns into strength and service.

So, let’s not complain when we meet challenges, but instead embrace them as blessed sign-posts on our journey.
I look forward to hearing your comments, please share your train of thought for a complaint free world and creative solutions.

Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)image:GlitterandFrills

Irem Bray

İrem Bray is a graduate of Bosphorus University Department of Psychology and London University Institute Of Psychiatry. She sees life as a journey of reciprocal discovery and opportunity to share gifts. She develops projects which, starting from the uniqueness of the individual, transform the society in a circular way. She works with her team, using the latest technologies, to train family therapists, and conduct sessions with people throughout the world, especially with Turks and those associated with Turks, to improve systems such as individuals, couples, families and companies. You can now contact İrem and her team at [email protected] or 0090 538 912 33 36, 0044 738 7763244 Contact her at http://irembray.com

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