Invitation to Own Our Dark Side, Evolution of Our Higher Self, Events And People As Reflections Of The Unconscious

Some say the world without is a reflection of the world within.  We often believe that our problems occur outside us.  The truth is every time we criticise, blame and exclude somebody or a group we participate in the creation of pain and violence.  This is how we disown the ‘other’ as a reflection of our Unconscious.  These are aspects of us, which are brought to our attention in extreme form through others and events.  The week’s various world crises prompts me to discuss the concept of a Higher Self and invite us to take responsibility for our dark thoughts, and emotional feelings.

Higher self evolving through Events And People As Reflections Of Our Unconscious

Higher self evolving through Events And People As Reflections Of Our Unconscious

People and Events Of Our Lives Are Not Random

Actions are guided by information we take into our mind-body.  My aim is to review and update this information building upon the level of knowledge shared within my regular posts.

Your Higher Self is the part of you that existed before you were born and will continue to exist after your life in this body ceases.  The purpose of life is the exposure of our Higher Selves.   People and events of our lives are not random; especially those about which we experience emotional discomfort. They are like the signposts of this evolutionary journey.

A few weeks ago  I discussed ‘Living In Peace With The Dark Side Of The Unconscious’.  I said that I was going to share more ways of getting to know and befriend your Unconscious.  Through movement towards wholeness the Higher Self evolves.

I suggest that whether it is a global, national or personal event, all dramas potentially helping us move towards completeness.  Similarly, people you feel uneasy, irritated by or angry with are also showing you the dark side of your Unconscious.  These events and people are there to attract our attention, they invite us look at ourselves with different eyes.

Higher Self Leading The Way To Dark Side of Unconscious

Ask yourself what you do when you are upset.  The apparently easy way is to be carried away by emotions, find a target to blame and then attack or to withdraw bottling up waiting for a reactionary release.

Either way in the long run you will be like a dog trying to catch its tail. Your Higher Self will not have evolved. Moreover you will find that the cost is too high.  The emotional turmoil, feelings of helplessness, anxiety, loss of self-esteem associated with this way are the reasons why the easiness of this automatic approach is superficial.

I suggest a middle path, as the nature’s way.  A client challenged me last night:  ‘Are you saying we should not have an opinion?’  There is a difference between having opinions and being opinionated.

If I am opinionated I exclude the ‘Other’ I judge and believe that my opinion is the right and superior one.  Being opinionated is being judgemental, leads to polarised dichotomies.  This is the root of violence and wars.  Taking sides is an aspect of the dream of separation.

Nature teaches us the diversity, moderation and collaboration as well as respectful boundaries.   Let’s observe Nature, events and people to reunite with our disowned aspects, to move towards wholeness and evolution of our Higher Self.

Invitation: Workshops to Increase Self-Esteem

Whilst navigating through conflict I feel that self-esteem is a central concept in overcoming our defences for owning our dark side, moving towards wholeness with our Unconscious and the evolution of our Higher Self .

In the autumn of 2016 I will be offering a series of online workshops on self-esteem.  Before the workshops I will be sending more valuable tools to help you increase your self-esteem and achieve autonomy in your life.  If you are interested in benefiting from these tools register to my email list here and let’s stay connected.


Irem Bray

İrem Bray is a graduate of Bosphorus University Department of Psychology and London University Institute Of Psychiatry. She sees life as a journey of reciprocal discovery and opportunity to share gifts. She develops projects which, starting from the uniqueness of the individual, transform the society in a circular way. She works with her team, using the latest technologies, to train family therapists, and conduct sessions with people throughout the world, especially with Turks and those associated with Turks, to improve systems such as individuals, couples, families and companies. You can now contact İrem and her team at [email protected] or 0090 538 912 33 36, 0044 738 7763244 Contact her at

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