Would you like to find more meaning in your life and be better understood? Invitation To A Workshop

This Dalyan Workshop is for people who know that life could be offering them so much more.

We are gathering in Dalyan regularly for our workshops. You are invited to attend.


We all live in a network of relationships. But, real and satisfying relationships are only possible when we connect with our inner senses of being. Relationships can soothe us, helping us to overcome losses and meet challenges.

Learn to express yourself fully and make room for others to do the same?

We all have individual aspirations, feelings and needs. The reason we struggle in our roles as sons or daughters, parents, spouses, siblings, co-workers or friends is that we’ve lost contact with our original nature.  Social conditioning is very powerful. Today programming and advertising propaganda limits our ability to think creatively and be independent. We need methods to help us return to simplicity and communicate from our inner being.

So, are you ready to take your life off auto-pilot and take control?

During this workshop, you will experience what it’s like to connect with both personal and common unconscious processes. These help you to build relationships from the inside out that have depth. They come from your inner being. You know this state because as a baby your needs were met without you having to be, or do, anything different from what came naturally.

As adults we also need to be seen, heard, and accepted as we are. In this workshop you will learn to express where, how, and who you are in a safe, compassionate space. You will be helped toward experiencing states in which it’s possible to reconnect with the essential nature of life.

This spring-cleaning will reconnect you with the peace and equanimity of your inner being so you can begin to build relationships from there once again.

I set out with the intention of creating spaces where we can express our body and our voice. I am guided by the African adage which says “If you can walk, you can dance; if you can talk, you can sing.”

I am also inspired by the native tribes of North America and Australia who have existed for thousands of years, our ancestors in Anatolia who founded the Asklepion health center in the ancient city of Pergamon, the ancient Chinese wisdom and practices that were conveyed to us by the book of Tao Te Ching.

I blended it all with my training in modern psychological science, in fields such as psychodrama, art therapy, and family therapy. This experience helps you remember and reconnect with your inner being as well as enabling you to learn to communicate with the power of your unconscious mind. These powerful abilities help you to proficiently navigate the river of life.

Exploring the wisdom attempting to communicate itself to you through your dreams is just one method you will learn. You will also begin to identify your inner voice, separating it from what are simply recordings of the alarmist propaganda of others. You also will become more aware of your body.

People who attended previous workshops were surprised by their discoveries!  Here are what some of the participants said:

‘One of the great benefits of this workshop for me is remembering what a great resource the nature can be.  I now spend much more time in contact with elements of nature and receive guidance for my day to day struggles.  I am amazed with the results and feel much more confident in life, I don’t feel alone or helpless with the unknown anymore.’

‘İrem has given me the tools to look after my body, mind and soul on a  daily basis, including the motivation.  I am sort of back to my old world, but not quite the same world, because I have transformed.  Mundane tasks such as laying the table and eating have gained a whole new meaning.  I approach each moment, each activity with a joy of life I have not experienced for a long time.  The time I spend with my kids may be the same, but what we make of these times together is quite different:)’

‘I have discovered I have gifts to give to the world.  I moved from struggling to be respected by my in-laws to thinking the ways in which I can share my gifts with those who are interested and in need of them.’

Details of the Workshop

We start at 15.00 on Friday, in Başar Hotel, Dalyan, goes on all day on Saturday, and ends at 15.00 on Sunday the 19th.

The number of participants is limited. To apply, please send an e-mail, telling briefly what you wish to achieve, or your reasons for wishing to attend. I will be sending you the dates and fees.




Irem Bray

İrem Bray is a graduate of Bosphorus University Department of Psychology and London University Institute Of Psychiatry. She sees life as a journey of reciprocal discovery and opportunity to share gifts. She develops projects which, starting from the uniqueness of the individual, transform the society in a circular way. She works with her team, using the latest technologies, to train family therapists, and conduct sessions with people throughout the world, especially with Turks and those associated with Turks, to improve systems such as individuals, couples, families and companies. You can now contact İrem and her team at [email protected] or 0090 538 912 33 36, 0044 738 7763244 Contact her at http://irembray.com

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1 Response

  1. Pam Kulifay says:

    It is remarkable that I came across this site. I don’t think it was by accident. Hi, my name is Pam. I struggle mainly with relationships due to past events. My self confidence is not the worst but needs a lot of help. I want more than anything to get over feeling bad about the past in able to move forward and enjoy the rest of this life before it ends. I hate knowing that life can be so much happier and I can’t get there until I can figure out how to get past the past. Anyway, do you have literature to offer as I cannot physically attend your workshops? Thank you for your time.

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