Emotional Freedom With Authoring

Emotions are vital for our well-being, however they are also capable of creating chaos in our lives. I write about what past, future and ancestral authoring are and how they move us towards emotional freedom.

Emotions are vital for our well-being, however they are also capable of creating chaos in our lives.

Signs We Need Emotional Freedom

Emotions guide us through the complexity of interactions with the environment. If so why am I referring to emotional freedom?  I am really referring to balancing any extreme emotional charge we carry as a result of life experiences as well as our ancestral heritage.

You are not emotionally free when you think of a past experience more than about a year old and still feel some negative emotion, such as upset, anger, sadness, anxiety or fear. Let’s say you were excluded at school. You felt terribly helpless and angry at the time. Now, as an accomplished adult, do you still feel anger or helplessness when you think of those days? If your answer is yes you are not yet emotionally free in relation to this event.

You also know you are not emotionally free when you react in inappropriate or disproportionate ways to normal life events. For example I had a very accomplished young woman as a client who finished her degree. As she always abided by the rules of the system, almost to perfection, she believed she deserved to be offered jobs. However she could not find a job straightaway. She was very depressed because her belief was shaken. 

Another sign you may be carrying some ancestral emotional charge is when you have unusual negative expectations about future.  Same client also had fears that she will have a manager who is not only less educated than her but also a bully. She heard many stories across generations who had this sort of experience at work.

These emotional reactions are signs that we are carrying the after effects of significant events that left their marks on our ancestors and us.  You can explore further from the work of Mark Wollyn how these wounds are also transmitted genetically through our DNA.

Sources of Inspiration For HealingThe Past And Reconstructing The Future

Every experience contains information and it is up to us to uncover and process the information embedded in them.  Processing means integrating the events and stories associated with the events into a narrative that serves life.

It is very necessary to recognise and release these emotional charges as, if we ignore they, not only limit manifesting our full potential, but also can surface as accidents or illnesses. 

Peter Levine; the psychologist who pioneered Somatic Experiencing Therapy says that whatever is lived, from the beginning of our conception and more is recorded in our bodies. And certain memories become visible in order to be transformed and integrated. When we integrate our seemingly personal wounds we actually contribute to the healing of our ancestral as well as communal traumas.

I had the privilege of training with the late Australian Social Worker Michael White,who  is known as the founder of Narrative Therapy at a workshop in Edinbrugh in 1996.  He followed the constructivist idea that we contribute to our evolving story with our own narratives of the World as we perceive it and put forward methods to change limiting narratives in people’s, especially children’s lives. He called this process re-authoring.

Carl Jung also mentioned that we live a story, or a myth. Some of us are aware and live our story in a conscious way.  Some of us who are blind to the signs walk in life without awareness and are unable to contribute to their own stories.

David R. Hawkinsin his book ‘Power Versus Force:  The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour’, explains the subtle differences between real power and force.  He also explains how we create ripples with our decisions in the conscious Universe influencing the whole.

When I was listening to Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson lesson in Toronto University I noticed that he gave his students an assignment which involved writing their past and future. This reminded me of a similar task I have done myself more than once and I ask my clients to do.

Ancestoral, Past and Future Authoring

I hope by now it is clear that authoring a life enhancing past and future is for the benefit of us all.  I am presenting the overall plan of the system I developed with an extra layer; namely the the ancestral one to this conscious working on our timeline.

Ancestral Authoring requires you to delve into what you know of your parents, grandparents and their parents; their achievements, struggles, beliefs and customs that are passed down as stories or practices; writing down anything that is special to your family.

Ask if these stories are bringing wisdom to your life. When the answer is no; look for untold stories and re author them. Focus especially to the areas you need more emotional freedom and write again.

Past Authoring is going back in time of your conception and writing your story in seven year periods until now.  You review your dominant narratives about each section. Approach them in a similar way as you did to your ancestors stories.

Finally review what you prefer to have learnt from the events and experiences of your life to enjoy emotional freedom. This state will allow you to access your Higher Self, in other words your Intuition in order to imagine the path of your full potential in the next part of this exercise.

Future Authoring involves delving into your aspirations and goals and helps you to make them specific.  You explore your resources, the possible obstacles to achieving them and how to overcome them and write them down.

Have you done similar work on your life story? Tell about your story.

Oh by the way, my client is now enjoying working in a friendly environment and feels much stronger when faced with challenges.

Irem Bray

İrem Bray is a graduate of Bosphorus University Department of Psychology and London University Institute Of Psychiatry. She sees life as a journey of reciprocal discovery and opportunity to share gifts. She develops projects which, starting from the uniqueness of the individual, transform the society in a circular way. She works with her team, using the latest technologies, to train family therapists, and conduct sessions with people throughout the world, especially with Turks and those associated with Turks, to improve systems such as individuals, couples, families and companies. You can now contact İrem and her team at [email protected] or 0090 538 912 33 36, 0044 738 7763244 Contact her at http://irembray.com

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