An Unusual Treatment For Obesity

A very good friend of mine claims that many of the illnesses of the body, mind and spirit is our soul’s suffering when we fall apart from our personal spiritual path. Obesity is the act of overeating uncontrollably and storing excessive fat in our bodies. In this post I am bridging my friend’s thoughts about spirituality with scientific understanding and offer an unusual treatment for obesity.

An Unusual Treatment For Obesity

Our bodies are like the waterspouts coming from the same big cloud. That is why we experience ourselves with a separate consciousness, whilst as our spiritual consciousness increases we feel more one.

Obesity Gone Out Of Control

Obesity can be considered as an epidemic. Despite the rising public awareness about the health risks of excess weight its occurrence is rising dangerously, even in children.

Excess weight puts strain on the quality of our lives by damaging almost every aspect of health, including our skeleton, our reproductive and respiratory functions. Obesity lowers life expectancy by increasing the risk of several diseases such as diabetes, heart conditions, and cancer.

Obesity is measured by BMI (Body Mass Index).  This special ratio between height and weight reveals where we are according to norms. You can calculate your BMI here.

Obesity develops when your energy intake is greater than your energy expenditure.  In academic circles it is believed that obesity is caused by a poorly understood complex interaction between the environment, genetic predisposition, and human behaviour.

Limitations Of Psychology As Science

When we look at the origin of the word psychology we find psyche and logy, i.e. the study of the psyche.  Psyche is a mythological goddess of the soul who is married to Eros, the god of love.  It is also defined as the spirit, soul or breath. When the scientific paradigm became prominent psychology turned from the study of the soul to the study of the mind. Medicine took over the study of the body, and the soul was left to theologians and philosophers.

This compartmentalisation in our approach left us with confusion which is reflected in our inability to perceive ourselves in our wholeness, incorporating our body, mind and soul.

Conventional scientific explanations become insufficient when they focus only on the material and technological aspects of our lives.  I believe a theory linking science and consciousness, explaining what happens with natural therapies and psychic phenomena may already be available.

What Is Soul And Spiritual Path?

All living beings are surrounded by a dense energy field, which interpenetrates the whole body. We call this energy that can be perceived by those who have the necessary sensory ability, etheric energy. That is the energy often used for healing. An astral field is a less dense field interpenetrating the etheric field and the physical body. This field is called for humans the emotional body. The mental field is of lesser density. Material objects, etheric fields, emotions and thoughts are each in the same four-dimensional space-time, but each in a different plane or level of space-density.

In humans we can observe four main density levels that appear in the same space and time:

1) The etheric (The physical is a condensation of the etheric)

2) The emotional (Astral field is the general name)

3) The mental

4) The spiritual

It is possible to state that we are a soul having a temporary experience in a body. As a soul we are immortal and connected to our mind-body that is comprised of the four main density levels described above.

Even though we are swimmers in the river of life, we can look at ourselves or others from a different plane by raising our consciousness. In fact that is what some achieve during therapy.

Our bodies are like the waterspouts coming from the same big cloud.  That is why we experience ourselves with a separate consciousness, whilst as our spiritual consciousness increases we feel more one with all, like the particles of a cloud.

The spiritual path is the development of a higher mental body or the capacity for abstract, creative and intuitive thinking.

Connection Between Obesity And Spiritual Path

Obesity becomes one of many manifestations of our disconnection with our soul and our spiritual path.

According to Prof Dr Ismet Gedik all our problems are rooted in one cause. As humans we misinterpreted nature’s system and transferred this mistake automatically as a social illness via various traditions onto the next generations. He provides rigorous evidence on  important principles that will help us when dealing with obesity.

Einstein claimed that the past and future exist simultaneously, inside a geometric object.  This object exists in eight dimensions, which are stepped down in human perception to four: up/down, right/left, back/front and past/future.

Each step down causes an illusion, just as a shadow, drawing or photograph is a representation of a three dimensional object reduced to two.

Imagine that everything, everywhere is frozen in time. The entirety of time is like a movie. The time that appears to be frozen is one frame of the movie. Each frame is different. The Planck length of space is the smallest length that can exist. The Planck length of time is ten to the forty four times shorter than a second.

Laws of physics suggest electrons and quarks self organise. An electron is a negatively charged particle within an atom. A quark is an even smaller particle within the nucleus of an atom. They become eighty one stable atoms. Those atoms became human consciousness. Physics doesn’t put a limit on the amount of matter and energy that can convert into a conscious system. Physics allows the possibility of all energy in the universe becoming one conscious system and it would also be a network of other conscious systems.

Given enough time anything that can happen will occur. Because it is possible it is inevitable. The universal consciousness has already emerged. It is somewhere in the frames of space time. It is co-creating us and we are co-creating it.

Selfless service or service to others is the practical expression of our multi-dimensional consciousness. The degree of our inner disposition to serve is an indicator of our level of consciousness. Obesity is in its simplest form, self harming of the body.  It is the indicator of our level of consciousness. Far from serving others we are metaphorically attacking aspects of ourselves which we feel unacceptable and unlovable.

Fast food is an example of this, because it’s rarely prepared with love.

Love always shows the direction of oneness.  When we follow this direction we are on an inevitable path. When we stray elsewhere, we must return to similar experiences until we discover our true nature. The social illness propagated between generations limits and puts conditions on love.  The suffering of our minds leads us harming our body by overeating or panic attacks.  As a result we feel off course, confused and lonely.  Then comes the suffering of our souls.

We live in a holographic universe where consciousness is a field of energy.  Any feeling towards yourself will have a mirror image in the world. If you think you are a charlatan others will call you as such.  If you are anxious, others will provide you with reasons to be anxious.

How Do We Know We Are On Our Spiritual Path

A spiritual path involves gaining control and purifying the lower bodies by replacing negative and fear based emotions and thoughts, by encouraging the positive qualities such as selfless action, compassion, tolerance, devotion, spiritual love to develop a higher emotional body.

More simply, it’s what the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi refers to as ‘flow’.

Flow is defined as: ‘An optimal state of intrinsic motivation, where the person is fully immersed in what they are doing. This is a feeling everyone has at times, characterised by a feeling of great absorption, engagement, fulfillment, and skill—and during which temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc.) are typically ignored’.

From a psychological perspective we are on the right path when we display in our daily life qualities like harmony, joy, serenity, unconditional love for all there is, acceptance and kindness even in difficult situations. We also unite and manifest opposing characteristics in our personalities as the situations demand, such as being firm as well as compassionate to children and having a strong sense of core, as well as being open to change.

So when you find your way on your spiritual path you can expect obesity to fall away.

I would like to share my husband Stephen’s latest book Radical Detox which is a comprehensive investigation into healthy living. It enables you to avoid the latest diet fads whilst improving your spiritual connection and success in life.

Maybe I should finish with a Buddhist saying: ‘Before enlightenment he gathered wood and carried water; after enlightenment he gathered wood and carried water.’

Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)image:Keeney

Irem Bray

İrem Bray is a graduate of Bosphorus University Department of Psychology and London University Institute Of Psychiatry. She sees life as a journey of reciprocal discovery and opportunity to share gifts. She develops projects which, starting from the uniqueness of the individual, transform the society in a circular way. She works with her team, using the latest technologies, to train family therapists, and conduct sessions with people throughout the world, especially with Turks and those associated with Turks, to improve systems such as individuals, couples, families and companies. You can now contact İrem and her team at [email protected] or 0090 538 912 33 36, 0044 738 7763244 Contact her at

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