How To Reconnect With Your Emotions

Do you remember last month reading about the childhood emotional neglect that leads to us blocking our emotions? I also promised a post about how to reconnect with your emotions:)

As you know, we block emotions as a result of childhood emotional neglect. Here are some tips for those who think they may have been emotionally neglected as children.

How To Reconnect With Your Emotions

It’s extremely vital that you know how to name, use and manage emotions, as well as how to deal with them in others for a balanced and fulfilling life. We call this Emotional Intelligence.

Reconnect With Your Emotions To Experience The Joy Of Living

I feel privileged to share with you some of the ways I developed to help you to reconnect with your emotions:

1. Learning about my emotions:

  • The first step is to accept yourself, including any of the feelings you might reconnect along the way, without judgement.
  • Commit to a journey of self-discovery. Ask yourself several times during the day questions like this and record your honest answers just for yourself: What do I really want, dislike, don’t want? How come I am not upset (or upset) now? How come I do what I do, I say what I say? What fears, worries might I have? What vulnerable feelings could there be behind my anger? What am I allowing to make me angry, sad, hurt, etc?
  • Listen carefully for your answers to emerge: The answers may not be readily available however by asking and tuning in to yourself you move towards opening the doors to your emotions.
  • Use a method of recording so you have access to your answers to these questions.
  • Strive to get in touch with what you are feeling at the moment you are feeling it, Allow yourself to make contact with your pain, sadness and anger.
  • Don’t worry if you cannot give names to what you feel.
  • Once you are in touch with your emotions the next step is to know what to do with them.

2. Accepting my needs and taking responsibility for them:

  • Add another question to your list: Ask yourself what you need.
  • Research the words associated with needs and emotions.
  • Overcome guilt, lack of habit and not feeling deserving of getting your needs met.
  • We all have emotional needs that need to be met independent of our childhood experiences.

3. I take small steps in learning to care gently for myself:

  • Approach yourself with compassion.

4. I connect with others:

  • Gradually experience how it is like to connect with others form a different place than you have been used to.
  • Enjoy the new skills you learned.
  • Experiment with empathy by responding emotionally when someone you care is sad or disappointed. Check with them if they felt understood by you.

Be Proactive For Yourself and Your Kids

Emotional Intelligence has been proven to be more valuable in all aspects of life than general intelligence. It’s extremely vital that you know how to name, use and manage emotions, as well as how to deal with it in others.

When we are neglected as children it is very important to recognise it, so that we can fill the gap in order to provide a healthier emotional environment for our kids.

You can take the Childhood Emotional Neglect Test here.

Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)image:Trip & Travel Blog

Irem Bray

İrem Bray is a graduate of Bosphorus University Department of Psychology and London University Institute Of Psychiatry. She sees life as a journey of reciprocal discovery and opportunity to share gifts. She develops projects which, starting from the uniqueness of the individual, transform the society in a circular way. She works with her team, using the latest technologies, to train family therapists, and conduct sessions with people throughout the world, especially with Turks and those associated with Turks, to improve systems such as individuals, couples, families and companies. You can now contact İrem and her team at [email protected] or 0090 538 912 33 36, 0044 738 7763244 Contact her at

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2 Responses

  1. I think getting in touch with our emotions and beginning to ask ourselves vital questions about why we may feel and think as we do is really important for all of us.
    Sadly, I believe they are exercises that people often do not do.
    How we feel about things determines what we do or do not do. I think our emotions are important things we consider too rarely, then we act out without thinking about why we do or feel as we do and the consequences can be devastating.

  2. Irem Bray says:

    Thank you for your comment Michael,
    We all start from a not knowing place; the place of a special kind of blindness. Asking the right questions without judgement is the way to introduce ourselves to our disowned parts and gradually integrating them to become whole. There are many tools we come across to facilitate such a process. You can find several in my writings and videos. I will share with you my latest post on emotional freedom with authoring:

    Best wishes

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